~The stories~

~ The Bee's Love n His Love ~

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

~ Chenta Haty dari Allah~

Saturday, May 14, 2011

.:. end of sem .:.

Alhamdulillah.... dengan izin Allah berjaye gak tamatkan sem ke empat nie...anyway another halfway for me to complete one of my important mission in my life..to get a DEGREE IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING...insyaAllah....aminn...moge3 segala urusan saya dipermudahkan..and u know that before i finished my fourth sem i have to sit my final exam...uhuk ;( macam nak gilaaa hehe.. alhamdulillah even da dapt 3 result saye bersyukur untuk semua yang saya mampu..I believe that every result yang dapat setimpal ganjarannya dengan usaha kita ;) so that another two years da boleh kahwin kejerr lah...hehehe ;)

Anyway di saat2 akhir b4 cuty 4BULAN isk...i try ro spend more time with en P.. even saye sibuk with my final exam n he also busy with his work...huu and then busy nak melayn kerenah i yang unpredictable hak3! plus mengade3 n gedix tahap cipan...isk3...sian die....and i love to story here about MY NEW KOREAN BOYFiee hooooo.... cuak x?? haha lau lah die taw mau kenen hempok ngan siku die yang gemok besar seket dr sye...hoo lat weeks o last two weeks if im not mistaken, i want to cut my hair then he also...so we all pon jalan3 lah cari mne3 saloon o kedai yang i leg gunting rambut skali coz xmo lah laki kan yang gunting..but the " mission fail! "... so we decided only him will gunting rambut hoho coz rambut da mcm mak nenek daa dienye panjanh hik3... haha... SoOoo selaku bodyguard die i pon temankan die hehe...then main angry bird kat his phone...hehe....andddddd meh! meh! tgk hasilnyeee ;)

nak syampoo taw... hehe
the guy : awak penah rebonding yer??
me : aah...haha die nk tru korea kot (* dlm aty jerr ckp)

heheee mcam pakai tudung hoho

bohsan 1 ;)
bohsan 2 ;)

bohsan 3 ;)
TARAAAA!!!! ;)

hehehehe!! nielah mat korea jawa hik3 ;P
die sngt marah i asked him to take a pic together after gunting rmbut hik3!

Ouh before that hehe i belii two cute angry bird! thanx to my dear sbb meracun saye main game hehe ! naseb bek control diri daripadaa dok adap game jerrkkk hooo hooo lawaks jerkk hee ;)

muaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!  blueks hah
Okies stop about this korean + jawa boy! haha....move to my sad story episode 34 haha! senagal....hee so that a day after that i wat my kepala angin then gaado3 konon3 huhuhu konon3...then die pon balik ke Pasir gudang..konon3 bwak diri lah nk tenangkn aty n i drive alone to jusco taman U..i bought what eva i want then konon3 nk g KFC dekat petronas coz kfc dlm Jj sangatlah penuh...huhu then!!!!!! A Small Accident hukkk...woaaa mcm nk gelabah jerkk isk isk...tapi memanglah gelabah huu i mesej him ..then i silent my phone mse tuh so that he called me so many times but then with my ' gelabah ' i cant n dnt want to answer him..hoho...yerlah nnt comfirm kne marah...memng kene pon isk isk ;(( dear saga; 'sorry sebab kamoo mesti marah kan kat saye for all my mistakes isk '

2nd time
location ; Jusco

ini 1 st time
location ; fke uhuks

So that i pon crik bengkel huuu melayang RM 370.000 isk isk isk cam nk meraung jerk huu..............

taraaa taraa tara...keh3!!!

HoOoOo and a lot of things more i have to face and the most n a nightmare for me terjadi a day before i back to melaka...huuu balik3 jer i nangis macam nk mati nasib bek sorang jerk kat bilik uhuk...but then dalam mase yang sama saya syukur sebab saye memang da lame cuba untuk pergi dari semua tuh and always pary to HIM to save before its too late...uhuk! Allah beri petunjuk ituh untuk cepat3 sedar dan alhamdulillah walau pedih but this is the best way for me...isk... anyway Thank you very much Allah...ill just let YOU to lead me n others ... huk...

notes ;)

>>> saye x suke terabai dan diabai... aty sye nie mudah jeles...really sensitive with every single words from u
>>> every body have their own limit...please...
>>> praying the best for my final result dis sem
>>> nk tgk NUr Kasih sendri...coz yg len da ade ' teman lain ' untuk teman tgk isk isk
>>> esok mule keje insyaAllah...

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