~The stories~

~ The Bee's Love n His Love ~

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

~ Chenta Haty dari Allah~

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

.:. japan...jepun .:.

Salam....beppp beppp...kukuikukui sudah lame giler xjenguk n membuang debu menebas rumput at my blog niee hee ;) waahh terharu laks de org suh  i update blog yg x seberapaa nie...kukui thnx! ade gak yg nk jenguk jenguk jengah3 intai my blog nie...hehe soo i think nak stori about episod sambungann nora elena my trip to Japan... It is one of my wonderful n the happiest memory in my life setakat niee huu...i try to make it short n fast furios...kuang kuang....hehe any way my second day we were accompanied by our tour guide yg jugek student dr Malaysiaa...sorg kak tim sorg lagik kak atin cumil3 jerk dorg n kak tim tuh akk si strawwwww hehe ;) one of my bestfren kt UTM hehe....anyway one the second day, we start our trip by having a break fast at out hostel.. Anne hostel ;)

.:. menu .:.
> roti bakar
>telur rebus
<> * soy souuce...*kicap cap Jalen special from Malaysia terchenta! huahuhaaa ini betul3 ini bukan tipoo okeh??

anyway if im not mistaken there were a lot of places we hve been... pagi3 we all ke National museum then...Imparial Palace....then...ke Odaiba...
fuhhh i told u pemandangan tepii laut yg sngat superbbb !! terbaikk... and yg paling Bestt we all masuk JOYPOLIS..... waa mcm mini genting a lot of games ade..hehe i men kete nk kete btul3 taw then drive sorg3 racing masyukkkkkkk!! mule3 we alll nek roller coaster den terpkse duk sebelah syeb sbb roller coaster tuh due org jerk skalii nek.. peh mcm nk guguur jantung den!  first time nek roller coaster weh! disebabkan sye nie duk seblah lelakii sye terpakse menahan dirik n perut den yg kecott niee drpd menjeritt .... smpai syeb perasan muke takut den then cakap ......" nadd ko nk jerit jerit jerkkk ak xksh" kuang kuang! *psst lau en p ade comfirm den da jeritt hahahahahaha

Then I men lumba lari lah mcm3 n ape yg xdek kat malaysia lagi is 4D game..msuk yg wind ( berangin )...river ( basah ) n satu lagik forest haha bile msuk macam 3d lah then kiter pat rse sket syokkkk hbss tpi kaur3 jerk pening superb llahhh!! x sabar lau de kt malaysia mau slaloo den pegii... tiket msuk satu dalam 2500yen ( rm90 ) kottt xsure hee.. macam sweet memori we all hehe men3 kejar3 ngn polis jadik banduan yg cuber larikan diri n mcm3 lagii hhahh! msuk rumah antuu lah! seramm huuu seroonokkkkkkk seronokk.. hehe nie i storii jerk duluu nnt tgk lah gmbr33 my frenz and I ;) ape yg best i think daripada pie disneyland lagik puas aty men dalam Joypolis ini! wink3!!

UENo station if xsilap ;)

on the way to National meseum..we all tertinggal sbb sibuk amik gmbr~

ayaks! xjadik loo lompat huk

aucakkkk!! kuang33

depan meseum ape ek...tapi ade pauss besarrr gile kt belakang tuh!

in front of National Meseum... ;) with org3 jepun berkimonoo

Imparial palace

bekal for our lunch!! savng nyek pasalll ;P

bunga sakuraaa yg bru mula nk tumbuh..cantekk ;)

thnx to ijat coz bg i pinjam his glooves sbb xthn sgt sjuk~
n sorrryy terhilangkn sebelah mse men kt joypoliss

again we were 2 gether in the imparial palacee..free jjerk msuk sni ;)

cherry blossom ;p

i luv it! bunga sakuraa

at Odaiba.....cantikkn pemandangan ;)

together we here

nie lah mini roller coaster yg den cuakk gilerr nek ngan syeb tuh!
nie 4d games....wind nyekk
before ke odaiba...having our dinner here!  nyum33 laparr giless

giant skatebooardd! woaa i xnaek sbb tkut sorg3 nek! roller costernye pasall huh

sengal x hehe

time utk drift3333 best wooooo

hahah! rse tuh lah superb nnt share lgik byk g kottt wuaaa...nk pi jepun lagik men33 huuu... ;)


  1. baru jew 4lo blog awk...
    salam prkenalan...
    hmmm sronoknye dpt g jepun... :>

  2. hye awk!! tq sbb sudi bace ;) im still leaner jum aja sye jadi blogger yg hebat!! ;) jumlah g jpun skali nak ?? ;)
