selamat datang ke Bandung, Indonesia buk ~ =) |
Alhamdulillah perjalanan pergi dan balik ke bandung semuanya selamat even otw ke Malaysia terchenta de some flight problem here and there...but wiif kuasa Allah yang besar ituu...everythings ia alright~ Thank you Allah...okies....tq too air asia yg telah menawarkan tiket murohhh kepadaa kami...kalau tak...sampai rinii xde rezekii lagi mau sampi ke kota indon nie...huhu....anyway landing at bandung airport around 5.00 pm (wktu msia ok) n kat sne dalm pukul 4.00 ptg...lewat sejam jek...huhu~ sampai3 as usual~ amik lah gmbooo sepertii di atass yang cumil tuh sye...hahah...tpi my broo xretii amik gmbooo soo xcantek jadinye isk3......
OKies...for ur information...we just 'redah jer' pie bandung nie...hotel x book lagii then mane tempat best pon xtaw sampai2 jerpp terkedek2 pi carii wakil agen hotel nk book hotel....nasib bek laaa dapt juee akhirnye....lau tak mahu den sekeluarge tto kat mesjid.. (*ok gak jimatt kos ) hahah nie sebab hotel3 kat sane naik harge mse weekend..sabtu n ahad...nasib kamii bek sebab sampai harii jumaat...alhamdulillah... dapat gak tmpat berteduh...ala2 guest house...tapii seyes puas aty ok walaupon name tempat tuh"Orange Home" xde pon word HOTEL...huhu tapii algi selesa darii hotel n ngkosnya kurengg bangat~ ^_^
teksi3 skali nek 35000 rp ok.. |
Orange Home~ best~! |
diskusiiii tentanggg hotell yg still kosong~ |
haa niii partt tok kmi dik beradik~ =) |
haaa ni my ma n pa n adik~ huhu
stu bilik only 450000 rp smlm..= rm170
berbaloiikn??dgn 5katil~ huu =) |
Okies...then malm tuh sume daa oenat tahap dewa...we alll terkedek2 crii makn..huuuu mkn pling dekat kat hotel tuh juge...sOOOOoooo....pie makan..then i order mie goreng telur.....hargee around rp 10K = rm 6.00++ mahal ok tapiii me considerr coz nie kat hotel kan~ sooo lau kat Malaysia mane dpt mie goreng kt hotel dalam rm 6.00 kn??huuu tapii waa kecewa...sebab mee die macam MAGGIE ok???.....look here!
haaa macam maggie kn...kan??? |
OKiess,..tetibe teringat cik rum my ex maid...huhu die sgt duke meggie ok?? my mum said...they all nye miee memng lah mcm nie..huhuhu no mee kecik or bihun or noo mee besar or mee kuning oo kuew tiaw....erkkk no no no..kue tiaw ade...huhuhu =) Ok ma...pham
bek belii maggie bawak cni..bru rm1.00 sooo da x order mie lagii pas makan malam tuh hahah!! =) Okiess selesaii jep ou dinner...jam around 10 o'clock time sne...kamii one familly masuk bilik terbongkang dengan syokkye huhuhu...recharge energy tok shopping esok!!!!
DAY TWO : SHOPPING !! ~pasar baru ~ ^_^
..wake Up early in the morning for subuh prayer around 5.30 am.. since mase sne awal kan..tapii sme jep sebab time tuh Malaysia jam 6.30 am...ouh~ time3 niee suke riang en p sye xde sebab no one will disturb his sleeping time..haha!...syabas~! 4 days sye tgglkan kmoo utk kmooo rehat33 tanpe gangguan hee...soOOo after having our breakfast yang
pelik menemukan sye dgn bnde2 n makanan baruu soOoo kamii ponn bergerakk ke Pasar Baruu Bandung...naik
KIJANG haha!!! nek haiwan OooOOo.. hahah xlah~ nek kete KIjang..huuu ...Apooo lai~ dakuu membeli belah dengan bahagiieee nyek...but then...wet waa xbyak pon huuuuu a lot of things yang sgt lah murah murah n murahh!!! ok~ sye dok kehulur hilir bukan dok belii my brngg but then belii barang my adik and my abg..n my syngness hahah!and u know that my along yg supe duper berjimat adalah ORANG PALING SAKAN BERBELANJA..... hhaha syesly
unbeliveable... he bought nine tshirts (rm100=around rp340K) + watch(rm110=around rp350K) + lptop bag (rm35=rp130K) + souveniors and others yg i didnt noticed hahah!! my mama jus bbuy some telekung tok jual as her hobby .. oo telekung sne cun2 ok??huhuhuhu
breakfast wif this menu~ ouhh pelikk!! |
inilah KIJANG KUNING Ituh~ cumil |
Front of pasar baru...
busy in bandung town~ |
obral = sales!
lai33 borong44 =p |
nantii nak kawen sye nk bli bju n barang2 kat sini,,,
JIMATTTTT seyes~ huuhuhu |
house of leather ~
tgk jee beg yg lelawa tuh ok~ hee |
searching kebaya nyonya for my rumate...
soriii cik aty.. i couldnt find it~ =( |
havingg our lunch wif nasi padang..
TERBAIK lah~!! |
my broo jam yg major di pakai oleh pilot n pelumba F1 ok...
becoz its price almost rm 10k...huuuu
its replika in Malaysia rm 350...but in Bandung he bought around rm 110...
berbaloii kan =) |
OKies....almost one full day we all terkurung dalam pasar baru~ huhuhu...and then one more sweet memoryyy mase lunch time...we had our
NASI PADANG~ marvellouusss. *
xretii eja...ngeeeeeeeee~
sedapp woooo x tpuu...ahahahha tapi mahal gak...huhuhu tapi puas aty...huhuhu aroung 4.00 pm we all da surrender sebab da penat thap dewa...wooOoooo soOOo we all balik n balik ke hotel hahah... wa pon da ltey nie dok menaip di malam harii ekkk pagii harii nantii smabung~ hahhah!!
CAUTION!!! daaaaa i story jus want to share all my experience~ huhuhu so that sape3 nk pie bandung t leh mtk infoo sket2 from me...huhu =)
sincerely~ ^_^
misz naddy
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