him really sorry ok....haha...a few weeks a go, i told u kan yang serabut dengan macam3 hal termasuklah entry about cinta monyet tuh...hhaaha monyet3 dtg kmbali.. bile 'die' tibe3 dtg n asked me for something yg i cant do...hukk haruu....haha it starts when i received a call from someone yg sye kenal dlu... die dah due thun lebih tue dr sye...but then really sorri...huhu sye x mcm yg kmu sangke..haha even mse tuh tak matang tapii da xxde hati kat kmoo lagi soooo...sye xpt blik pada kmu...u know that he asyik perli3 i here n there mse kol me that night...huu~ coz sye x byk ckp sbb rse mls nk layan..i know die dah ok...i mean perubahan ketara dalam hidup die...yerlah a guy yang pernah kena kejar polis sne sini...then skip kls always n rekod disiplin yg teruk...result pon phm 3 jer lah...akhirnya bile dah kerja n fyther stdy his life stabil...he told me nk jumpa sye wif his new car n bla..bla....ouh dislike it! ok...rse mcm menympah sbb cm nk show je kt sye...huh but then sye kagum dengan semangat die... tapi tak bermakna sye msih ade hati kat die...pleasee jauh dr sye ok~ i cant stand for it anymore...sye da ckup bahagia skarng dengan en P...huu sorry mr M...he told me... " malu dengan nad dulu yang stdy lagi ok dari skrng m da ok, tuh cari nad...' oUh no! apepon awak ckp, sye xkan n xkan ade hati... i terus terang slowly to him...die dah lame pon tahu about me n my dear..but he still keep trying to take my attention... haish~! letih lah.... dun now why i x story pon kt en p...maybe tkot die marh o pikir bukan3..huk tak pasal je jadik mende len nanti...just told him ade membe lame kol n ajak kuar...em tapi sye x kuar pon...sye sibuk with my syng yang sush nk jumpa..always try to spend my time especially during my weekend to be with him...even sye de test ke ape..i'll asked him to be with me x kisah lah stdy kat mne pon...slalonye library and cict...huhuhu walaupon die terpaksa teman sye...sian juge ke die...tapi harap3 die pahm..Thanx Dear!...luv u soo much...dunt worii about him.. sketpon xde aty, huu.... ;)
special credit to mr M...please dont bother me n my dear again after this... |
I tak lah slahkn die but then kadang3 menyampah with his words yang perli3..thats why i cam geram jep...lau takat nak kawan3 bese dun mind pon..tapi ske3 nk perli here n there...humm tahlaa....walhal mase
sori dear lau slaloo susahkn kmoo ulang alik PG - UTM |
you are mine ok...n im yours....huk ;P |
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hee....gatal x nad bang??hahah sorii nk gak upload..weks ;) |
* Alhamdulillah utm delegation including my self yang stranded at Japan selamat pulang ke Malaysia.. I love Malaysia...Luv my family ..frens...n my sayang...the only one..
muke ade iras2 la nad..jodoh panjang tu,insyaALLAH...=) pray hard ok..!
ReplyDeleteim praying hard for that heheh ;)
ReplyDeleteheee kmooOoo...jugerr dun woorii~ nnt jmput nad taw!