Dah empat hari rasenye hati bersedih...anyway firstly to all my frenz yg tolong tenangkan saye mase saye tengah down tahap gaban n nangis macam cipan...huk~ thnx to cik d, cik nab....nab~ ak suke part jalan3 nek motor....with angin malam walaupon malam sbtu tuh mate tgh bengkak3 pi gak jalan3 kuar bilik dekat kul 12... ;) i luv naik motor but then how sad i am... tak reti bawak motor...huk~ ;( my mum sadi " buruk kak pmpuan bwk motor ~ " eles...padahal rsoo ank die nie xthan sejuk n hujan...hee ;) thnx mama bcoz u re the one who always care about me....
saye nges kerana sye sedih... but sye nk jadi lebih kuat n tbah~ ;( |
bahagia bila dan tika sedih ituh dia ada s sini~ ;) klik here sedih ;( sal air mata wanita |
Then pagi3 after subuh prayer..balik ke kTC..hum lupekan pe yg segala kedukaan last night dengan siapkan assgnment numerical yg sgt lahhh berjelaa nk wat....x smpt tdoo isk badan da letih sgt + pale dah pening giler time tuh sbb x ckp tdoo~ huk...pas siap3 tros pi kls then rush to SUb tok amk my dear nye transcript...n gambar~ punyelah panas...then terpakse jalan jauh since i cant park kete kat ats...nnt melayang jep rm25 nk amk bnde3 alah tuh sume..soo the best way, i park kt tmpt stdnt n menaapak~...smpai3 je bhagian akademik..xleh amik his transcrip since xlengkap..* en p jgn amk mudah sgt len kali plis dear ;) bce dlu sume elok3..xpe laa da lps;)...huk~ sdey...penat gle time tuh nek pi tgkt 4...praying dapat amik his gmbr...so g kat KFK..nseb bek dapat amik even borg x lengkap ;) alhamdulillah terubat gk keltihan sket~ abg yg bagi tuh suh i cek that gmbr..buka3 jep gmbr laki..
he : eh dik~ nape gmbr laki lak nie??? salah ke (* muke mmg terkjut gile...)
me : eh tak lah..betul lah nie...bukan gmbr sye ;)
he : ouh sye igt gmbr awk td..ok3 ;P
tergelak jep otw jalan..hehe...lawak lah...abg oit! sye mude lagi taw...insyaAllah lagi due tahun sye grad ;) ( doakn ea )...
SO balik jep smpai bilik dengan pnt n laparnye tros tto~ huk....berangan nk siapkn lagi satu soalan assignment..tapii let goo jerkk hee ;)
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nak scan mals...xde permisson ltk gmbr die..sorii~ hee nnt die taw xleh tnye...sorii taw abg xmo mrh taw ;) |
Hhehe anyway my dear sgt lah hensem mse his konvo day...hik3 (* sbb bju ntie tuh i yg plih kot )...huk u know how much i luv him..penat3 dri melake urus my dak3 silat nye wajadiri..rushing balik Jb semate3 utk die naik bas..huk~ xpelah....for him...tok die jek sye berkorbn mcm tuh;) * praying for him : i never ask n dont want to ask for more dear..jus it is my pleasure for u 2 luv me as much as i luv u dear isk... gedik cni gitu.. hehe ;p semlam my last test..nk jaln3 with him tpi xdapt..isk..teringt dulu bile dekat.. he always teman i pi jaln3 lps test..so do i, bile die br pas hbs wt psm de sekali i teman die release tension kt danga bay.. ( *sure en p x igt...i know him nk3 skunk sibuk sgt with kerje isk )..aa abg~ rinduu nk nek belon tuh ;( nak makan rotii tisu hukkkk....anyway kadng3 rse nk berdiam diri tok seketika..sebab sye sdeh yg amat..kecik aty...isk..... tapi sye xkuat myb sbb syg sgt kot..soo that...i try untuk be strong tok senyap dr die...isk... teringat my conversation with my frenz...i mean kawan lelaki...
he : jelus bile bace ur blog... syg sgt awk kt en p
me : mmg lah syg ( isk xtaw die syg x sye mcm sye syg die isk..diepon xtaw sal nie cz xpnh ckp kat die sketpon..xnk die taw.. )
humm kalau lah die taw sye syg die cmne..hum~
the lagik sorg yg sengal chat kat fb...mcmnk gelak jek bce...diepon jelus kt en p...sengal jek korg3 nie..hehehee
haha...so sengal... bile org tanye sal en p..huuu sedehh...isk3 xpe3 im trying to adapt with this situation since i believe what he is doing now is for our happines later ;)....
so sorri dear lau my perangai sangat lah wat kmoo jadii geram n marah3 but then nk ngade3 dgn kmoo jekk...no need others.. ;) sye nk balik umahh isk tapi xtaw bile..next week satu de HTL ( hari tamat latihan ) then ahad seharian ke Larkin untuk tester SRP ( sijil rendah persilatan )..mybe x jd tester just runner...huk~ then da study weekk soo i have to styd..stdy n stdy...abg~ bile nk dtg...isk ;( majuk nanti..hukk xmoo kawan daa...huk...
anyway...saye syng kamoo ketat3 ;)...with luv from Allah ~ insyaAllah
sweet kn bang??? |
missing u dear... |
: dear en p: xmoo nakal3 jauh3 xmoo ngn org len taw...ngn nad jep.. ;(
: final juz around the corner...pray the best 4 me ;P thanx a lot kwn3 yg
bagi sye smgtt syg kmoo sume
oooo nadddd dlm ati de tamannnnn..ooo...
ReplyDeleteoh same same same samee...ak tao ko ske nek moto ngn ak..hahaha..nt ko nanges ak bwk g jengjalan nek moto ag naa..
kah kah kah! jiwunk kan tp nmpk garang wawawaw weh nk follo blog koo xpttt