da berabad sangat da x update this blog..rinduuu...haha even im not a profesional blogger but then i saje2 jerk haha mengisi masa lapang....anyway rhsia about my blog da en P tahu...cettttttttt !!! ;( sedeh3 xperlah nie nad bg u bace dulou nnt i tkr link ok! hahah ( * evil laugh ).... nad xleh ngumpat abg da kat sini ;(.. anywaY my last post since my last sem break...im too busy yerlah jadik clerk kat clatex..i try to tell everythings i did now....beersengkang mate lah den nk menaip ... owang yg bce haruslah mls...hahah!
Okie... actually i mintak jadiik cashier but kebetulan my boss nye wife bersalin so i have to replace her manage all the accounts and everthing...means management sume i yang handle even xde lah ape sgt but i learned many thing there. Jangan pandang remeh ok kerani xde xigup boss....nk print o scan ke ape pon my boss kol jer,,,haha lawaks! tp nseb bek lah i minat bab3 management nie...( tp balaja engineering dush!!! ) so that make me easier tp handle.. 3 bulan ok mcm3 hal jadik nges pon pnh boss mrh kn...huuuu nk adap kerenah3 perkeja lagik dok kire gaji, kire over short dorg....bile short byk mulelah bebel aigooOooOOo ponat ..lumrah dunia semua org dengan peel masing3 ;)
operasiii tiup belon!! xlarat tiup mulut hahah |
packing duit syilinggg sye kje 12 jm ok nk siapkn bnde nie |
percubaaan meniup gune mulutttt |
im trying! takot letooop |
cik azieeee tlng gntung belonn |
taraaaaaa daa siap!!!!! |
kerje3 masuk chiller gergasi yg besr gler n sjuk ok!! |
buat topup yg sgt ngntokkk |
hahha! pose mcm mkcik ape jer laks |
air yg byk ok! nk kne susun hoooooo |
iraa...she had helped me a lot! thnx dear |
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ok ary3 kire rokokkkkkk....busukkkk |
haha u see a lot of thins..kadang3 rase mcm jadik buruh kasr pn de...pagi3 mse cty dapt at hock cll from my boss kne msk cshier heee.....penmgsan lah!! but thhen thnax Allah u give me a chance to gain a lot of experienced there...how to manage people n how to control emotion and what so eva ok~...I keje nk cover balik segala my expenses during my GOP prgrm to jepun ( ok i xhbs cter kt u all kn? t i smbung kah3 ) okies mse nie dekat3 nk ryer kn???? soo i made a small bussines...jual cakes haha cheese cke de lah 2 3 org gaks my fren yg beliii... ( ok my fmly n org n geng3 melake jer tahu..hahah!) my aunts suke giler kek so i leraned how to make that cheese cke ( da slaloo wat kek batik, kek kukus.. kek choc n kek lapis srwk plus!! cup cake x jdik haha ) i try yg len then my mum suggest jual lah kak....she also helped me promote kt her teachers...huhu thnx ma! tp x lah rmai sgt cz i just promote kt kwn3 jer ;)
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Nie my cheese cake ;) |
Besides all of those sweet things, there was a sad memory for me....de satu malam tuh i ganty jadik cashier so that i have to overtime....tibe3 my mum kol n said my dad's was admitted...huhu pth tulng tn dkt3 area jari huu terkjut gak then i called my boss told nk xcuse balik awal....huk~ sebak gak cz tgk ayh cm lemah jerr huuhu...splus my dad have a minor operate nk letak plate kt part yg da crack tuh huhuhu berhari gak lah teman my dad kat hospital ...
find dad after the operation |
looking for him |
waiting n praying |
mama yg risauuu |
still unconsiuos... |
quarantine room |
Thats all huhu one more i was had a fever during the fasting month,..my mum said " dah baik? tkt mama tgk mcm nk maty jer " heh...mne lah thu ajal kn sye demam smggu lebeh mmg xlart nk bgun terlntr jer...muntah3 even mkn pon munth xmkn ape3 pon muntah perit..4 pg i asked my mum sent me to hospitl....then sbb tasya x bgn mama suh thn pas subuh admit kat emergency putra hospital...cek drh n so whatever....2 to 3 hours after that........got the result which shows my platelets was low...patot lemah jer ;) they asked me to do one more blood test after teo days to make sure my blood maintin...huu rsau lah mse mule3 msuk utm dmm lme gler gak sbb krg drh putih huhu mcm3 ;) bykk sgt dosa Allah byr cash ;( isk.....Rse nye mcm tuh jer... n sorry to en P on ur last birthday im not with u demammmmmm...tp balik i tmn die ke Desaruuu jaln3 tpi laut ;) luv u!
with him we are in purple together |
hahah ayu x |
smile....make a sandwich for him ( ok die kse buli sye wat pape tok mkn kdg3 isk ) |
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